Our team

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Nadine Ruehr - Professor Nadine received her PhD from ETH Zurich with a focus on soil-plant-atmosphere interactions. She was awarded an Emmy Noether research group and became Professor of Climatic Ecophysiology at the Institute of Geography and Geoecology in 2022. In her research she integrates physiological, biogeochemical and ecological methods and modelling approaches across scales. She strives to understand mechanisms of tree and forest responses to extreme events, in order to improve forest resilience to climate change. Publications |
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Ruediger Grote - Senior Scientist Rüdiger holds a PhD in Forestry from Göttingen University and received his habilitation on ‘Ecosystem Modelling’ from TU Munich. He has developed several ecosystem models that describe forest development based on plant-atmosphere exchanges and is an internationally known expert in simulating the emission of biogenic volatile organic compounds. His particular interest is in describing tree physiological responses to drought and their impacts on resource uptake, allocation, and senescence. Publications |
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Pia Labenski - Postdoctoral researcher Pia studied Geoecology and received a PhD in vegetation remote sensing from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). She is interested in the impacts of climate change on vegetation, with a focus on drought stress and wildfires in forest ecosystems. Her research combines remote sensing methods with physiological modelling approaches to better describe the response of temperate forest tree species to heat and drought. Publications |
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Martin Thurner - Postdoctoral researcher Martin studied Geography, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing and received his PhD from FSU Jena. He is investigating biogeochemical cycles in boreal and temperate forest ecosystems, especially the vegetation carbon cycle and its response and feedback to climate change. He is particularly interested how productivity, plant respiration and forest mortality change due to rising temperatures and more frequent and severe climate extremes. Martin is integrating large‐scale remote sensing products and field data in order to improve vegetation models. Publications |
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Franklin Alongi - PhD student Franklin studied Plant Biology at Montana State University, and is interested in resource allocation in response to environmental stress. During his PhD, Franklin conducts greenhouse experiments to explore carbon use and physiological mechanisms of stress response in a variety of European tree species. Publications |
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Timo Knüver - PhD student Timo studied Geoecology at the University of Tübingen and is pursuing his PhD at the University of Innsbruck. His research addresses the drought recovery potential of Norway spruce and European beech trees. He studies drought hydraulic responses in mature trees and applies experiments under controlled conditions. |
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Selina Schwarz - PhD student Selina studied Geoecology at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Her research addresses environmental challenges through the application of remote sensing techniques. In her PhD she studies the impacts of recent summer droughts on European forests. She applies remote sensing and machine learning approaches to detect the environmental drivers of diffuse tree mortality. |
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Yanick Ziegler - PhD student Yanick studied Physics and Environmental Physics. He is interested in climate change responses of forests and investigates plant-water relations in the context of droughts. In his PhD, he is applying field and lab measurements as well as modelling approaches to determine the relationship between tree water status and growth processes. |
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Jana Zeppan - PhD student Jana has a background in Environmental Sciences and Global Change Ecology. She is interested in the response of different tree species to heat and drought stress. During her PhD she studies the impacts of heat and hot drought on carbon and water dynamics, leaf temperature and the leaf energy balance of seedlings in greenhouse experiments. |
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Andreas Gast - Engineer Andreas studied Environmental Engineering in Augsburg. He is responsible for all technical issues around our scientific greenhouse facility including measurement automation. He has in-depth experience in designing and building environmentally controlled plant chambers for automatic gas exchange measurements. |
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Anna Sontheim - Technician Anna studied Chemistry at the University of Heidelberg. She is responsible for the laboratory and has profound expertise in chemical analytics. She further supports experimental work in the greenhouse and plant cultivation. |
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Angelika Schwan - Group Assistance Angelika studied Geoecology at the University of Braunschweig. Since August 2023 she is at IMKIFU as an assistance for the Plant Ecophysiology group, for example to accompany the onboarding process. |
Students and guests
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Charlie Periane y Rodriguez - Student Assistent Charlie is currently studying physics at the LMU in Munich and looks after the school forest in Garmisch-Partenkirchen for our working group. He is responsible for the physiological observation of trees and carries out environmental education activities with the school classes. He is also writing his master's thesis on the dynamics of tree mortality in forests, using methods from statistical physics, biophysics and network theory to quantify the spread of mortality and understand its causes. |
Former team members
Dr. Ines Bamberger | Postdoc – now at BayCEER |
Dr. Elizabeth Gaona | Postdoc – now in Cordoba |
Dr. Peter Petrík | Postdoc – now at TU Dresden |
Dr. Benjamin Birami | now Climate Protection Manager |
Marielle Gattmann | PhD Student – now Climate Change Manager |
Dr. Romy Rehschuh | now at TU Dresden |
Dr. Rocco Pace | now at Eurac Research, Institute for Renewable Energy, Bolzano (Italy) |
Dr. Daniel Nadal Sala | now at CREAF - "Ecological and Forestry Applications Research Centre" in Barcelona (Spain) |
Andrea Jakab | Lab technician – now in Switzerland |
Dr. Andre Duarte | MSc Student – now at U of Guelph, Canada |
Mohitul Hossain | MSc Student |
Benedict Spaan | MSc Student |
Angelika Pointner | MSc Student – now at DB Netz AG |
Johanna Schnurr | BSc Student |
Tamara Wittmann | BSc Student |
Leon Dürbeck | BSc Student |
Mathis Giese | voluntary year & student assistant |
Julia Brandfonbrener | DAAD stipend |
Chiara Müller | BSc Student |